INTRODUCTORY MEMO Atlanta Philharmonic Orchestra, Inc. is a non-profit (501c3) organization that offers various concerts throughout metro Atlanta city and other diverse communities with different genres of music.
OUR VISION IS: To encourage, entertain, and enrich people’s lives in our communities with an exchange of cultural values in positive ways utilizing the performing arts that are universal from generation to generation and with the goal of promoting peace and harmony.
We are excited to grow along with the communities we serve providing a warm and vibrant gathering organization through events where adults and children experience the very best of arts and cultural exchanges that they will enjoy. With your help, we will continue to encourage, entertain, and enrich all our communities for many years and beyond.
We invite you to be a part of our events. If you have an interest in our mission or purpose, please contact us at the below designations: Email: atlantaphilharmonic@yahoo.com Web: www.atlantaphil.org FB: atlanta philharmonic orchestra inc Tel: 678-978-2220, 470-779-6080
**History Now ine its 12th year, the non-profit the Atlanta Philharmonic Orchestra Inc , was established in 1998 by Min H. Pak, the principal of the Atlanta Conservatory of Music, serves to encourage, develop and facilitate an enriched environment of artistic, creative and cultural activity in metro Atlanta.
The Atlanta Conservatory of Music was established in 1995 ad organized the Atlanta Youth Philharmonic Orchestra.
The Atlanta Conservatory of Musci educate talented students to provide private lessons to group lessons in music and fine arts and organized more than 7 open concerts to the public to enrich the diverse community with music and arts. The Atlanta Philharmonic Orchestra organized with diverse member in community and performed many performances in metro Atlanta to share their great music spirits.
The Atlanta Conservatory of Music was expanded to open the ACOM Arts Gallery in the Gwinnet Place Mall in Duluth and move the ACOM in the same place. The ACOM Arts Gallery holds three notable exhibitions in 2009. **Milestones of the Atlanta Philharmonic Orchestra - December 3, 1993 : First Performance 애틀랜타 한인회관 건립기금 모금 공연 대한민국 대 예술제
- May, 1994 : Performance at Evergreen Banquet
- June 21, 1994 : Performance at Lockheed Martin
- December 4, 1994 : Performance at Fund Raising Concert for Korean Association
- April 29, 1995 : Performance at Korean Music Festival at GSU
- August 12, 1995 : Performance for 50’s Anniversary of National Liberation and Foundation of United Nations (Gwinnett Civic Center). http://www.atlantaphil.org/bbs/board.php?bo_table=news&wr_id=4
- December 1995 : Performance at the Christmas Concert
- May, 1996 : Performance at the Youth Concert with unforgettable movie themes
- August 1996 : Organize the Peace and Harmony Concert for the Atlanta Olympic(co Director) (woodruff Art Center) 후원.Samsung,SBS.중앙일보
- December 1996 : Performance at the Open Concert for the Christmas
- August 1998 : Performance for 53’s Anniversary of National Liberation Open Concert for Peace and Harmony. (Clayton Arts Center)
- December 1999 : Performance at the Open Concert for the Christmas
- August 2006 : Performance for 61’s Anniversary of National Liberation Open Concert for Peace and Harmony
- Musical 연주 (hello dolly,스크루우지, 오클라호마, 등....
- 2013` "좋은세상 만들기"에 동참하기 위해 테마 콘서트 http://www.koreanfest.com/bbs/board.php?bo_table=kmusic&wr_id=17&page=2
- 2015 차세대 장학급 모금 콘서트 (서울 대학교 동창회 후원) (Infiniti Energy Center)
http://www.atlantaphil.org/bbs/board.php?bo_table=events&wr_id=9&sca=&sfl=&stx=&sst=&sod=&spt=0&page=2 * 2016 Korean Music Festival Concert http://www.atlantaphil.org/bbs/board.php?bo_table=events&wr_id=37 * 2017 Oct6-7 Korean Music Festival Concert *2018 Feb 2 for Peace and Harmony Celebrating the Pyeongchang Games "~평화의 대합창~2018 평창 동계 올림픽 기념 음악회" *2018 July 7 Concert "WE WILL REMEMBER" Memorial Peace & Harmony Concert. -한미동맹 기념- 한국전 참전 용사 추모음악회
*2019 May.11 E. Wheeeler compositin Recital 2019 윌러 작곡 발표회
* 2019 March 16 Opera "Spring Spring" 한국 오페라 "봄 봄" 작곡 이건용
*2021 Oct.10 K-ARTS FEST “LOVE CONCERT “ 가곡의 밤 홍난파를 그리며...
**박민 (Min H, Pak) * 1980-1986 서울대학교 음악대학 기악과 입학 / 졸업 * 대한민국 청소년 오케스트라 단원 및 대만 순회연주(금난새 지휘) * 서울시향 및 KBS 교향악단 객원연주 (발터 길러센 지휘 / 정명훈 지휘) * 전)서울 오페라단 ,국제오페라단 조연출 및 연출 (오페라 토스카 ,라트라비아타,크루셔블, Mozart Magic flute 그외 다수 등...) * Musical 연주 (hello dolly, 스크루우지, 오클라호마, 미녀와 야수 그외 다수 등.... * Atlanta passion play 15년 연주 (총 60여회 Atlanta Civic Center) * Atlanta. Conservatory of Music 대표 * Atlanta Philharmonic Orchestra Music Director * 2012-2013 서울대학교 GA, 동창회장 * ACOM Arts Gallery 원장 - The Exhibition of works by Ki Chang Kim (김기창 화백) sponsored by the Korean Daily News (The Korea Daily Atlanta)
- 대한민국 작가 100인 초대 미술전
- Representative Artist for Korean Art Invited in Celebration 2009 (MBC Opening in the states, The Korea Times)
- Haeseon Hahn Fabric Art and Quilt
- 토메 박신자 화백 수묵화 전시회