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(New York) Dance of Four Elements; Earth, Water, Fire and Wind

Dancing Wind: Dance of Four Elements; Earth, Water, Fire and Wind 

Friday, February 20, 2015 at 8PM
Flushing Town Hall(137-35 Northern Blvd., Flushing, NY 11354)

Tickets: $15 General / $10 Students

In 'Dance of Four Elements' Songhee Lee and her dance company will present the four elements and their infinite kaleidoscopic formations as they aggregate and disintegrate in our world in various forms from the view point of "I," the human subject. 


Songhee Lee is a dancer and choreographer who specializes in Korean traditional dance. Upon graduating from University of Pusan, Korea, she joined the Pusan Metropolitan Dance Company and became the principal dancer. In 1997, Ms. Lee had her first solo recital in NYC at the Hudson Guild Theater. Since then, she has been actively performing internationally. Currently, Ms. Lee is artistic director and choreographer for the Songhee Lee Dance Company and also an instructor at the Lotus Music and Dance school.

Nakyung Shin is a Korean traditional dancer, choreographer and instructor. She started dancing when she was 12 years old in Busan, Korea. Ms. Shin graduated from Ewha Womans University in Korea with a B.F.A (2003) and an M.A. (2005) in Korean Dance. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. to broaden her knowledge and experiences in the field of dance. 

Yonghoon Oh is a classically trained dancer from South Korea who has been a professional dancer and teacher for more than ten years. He has performed, choreographed, and received critical acclaim for various works in Korea and abroad including Chang Mu International Dance Festival and Edinburgh Fringe Festival. 

Ling Tang is a New York City based dancer, educator, and arts manager. She teaches at China Institute, Young Audiences New York, and Flushing Town Hall, offering Chinese dance workshops and residencies for K-12 schools and community centers. Ling holds an M.A. in arts administration from Columbia University and worked as a program officer at the Asian Cultural Council. She has consulted many cultural exchange projects in both China and U.S. for Smithsonian Folklife Festival, Guangdong Dance Festival, and Dance St. Louis. 


Chung Eun Han, one of the most influential woodwind players today, has been a focus of the artistic scenes of the Korean traditional music and its modern manifestations in Korea. Trained in the tradition of classical court music of Korea that traces its origin back to 5th ~6th century, Han pushes the boundary of Korean bamboo flutes, Daekeum and Sokeum to cross over the genre and brings the acoustic and soulful sound of bamboo flutes to today’s audience. 

Zhou Yi(Chinese Pipa)

Praised for her "breathtaking" meticulous technique and expressiveness by the Washington Post, pipa (lute) virtuoso Zhou Yi started to learn music at the age of five. After graduating from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, she moved to New York. As a concert soloist, her performances include Tan Dun's Concerto for Pipa and String Orchestra at the Gewandhaus in Leipzig, Germany, Young People’s Concert with the New York Philharmonic, etc. Her recent credits include Tan Dun's "Map" in 2014 NYU's Vision & Voices Series, Santa Fe Opera’s Dr. Sun Yat-sen, David Henry Hwang's "The Dance and the Railroad" and "Kung Fu (The Bruce Lee Story)". She also worked on "Around the World in 80 Days" and Carnegie Hall's "Musical Explorer" program. Zhou Yi is a co-founder of the Ba Ban Chinese Music Society. 

Hee Jung Han is a professional haegum (two stringed fiddle) player who has performed as the principle member of the two traditional orchestras in Korea, the Youth Korean Traditional Music Orchestra and Seoul Metropolitan Traditional Music Orchestra. 

Satoshi Takeishi is a native of Mito, Japan. He has been living in New York since 1991 and has performed and recorded in vast varieties of genre, from world music, jazz, contemporary classical music to experimental electronic music. 

Rami Seo is an accomplished gayakeum artist whose expansive musical repertoire on the 12-string gayakeum and the 25-string gayakeum spans the traditional and the contemporary to include ancient Korean court music and folk music, as well as current and cross-cultural compositions from across the globe. 

Joonsam Lee, born and raised in Seoul, Korea, moved to the NYC area in 2007 and since settling in Manhattan, he has been very active in the NY metropolitan area, performing at some of the finest jazz clubs and venues, not only as a side man but also a bandleader. He performed in New York at Blue Note, Lincoln Center, Kitano, Cornelia st. café, Zinc bar, 55 bar, Cleopatra's needle and etc, and performed Jarasum International Jazz Festival(Korea), Taichung Jazz festival(Taiwan), Grand Tour Jazz festival, Jazz di Marca Jazz festival (Italy), Odessa International Jazz festival, Vinnista Jazz Festival (Ukraine) as well as appearing with Symphony Orchestras (NYKJO, Leon Lacey, and etc).

For tickets and information, please visit or call the Flushing Town Hall Box Office at 718-463-7700ext. 222.

[이 게시물은 Admin님에 의해 2017-09-12 15:29:53 Korean Festival Spotlight에서 복사 됨]


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