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Korean Traditional Music/Dance Concert

Korean Traditional Music/Dance Concert 

Saturday, May 16, 2015 at 7PM
The Umbrella Community Arts Center(40 Stow St. Concord, MA)

In celebration of Korean Family Month and Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month, the Korean Cultural Society of Boston presents a music/dance concert on Saturday, May 16, 7:00 pm.  

A musical group consisting of gayageum (Korean 12- or 25-string instrument), percussion and bass clarinet will perform traditional as well as contemporary rendition of the Korean Music. Performance of the Children's Traditional Dan Group based in Quincy will include fan dance and other dances. 

The celebration is made possibly by the Korean Cultural Service NY , and by support from The Umbrella Community Arts Center and the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Boston. 

More information can be found at
[이 게시물은 Admin님에 의해 2017-09-12 15:29:53 Korean Festival Spotlight에서 복사 됨]


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