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작성일 : 15-12-16 16:24
(Brussels) Year End concert Friday 18th December 2015 at 8 pm in the Korean Cultural Center Free admission, reservation required:, tel. 02 274 2980
 글쓴이 : Admin
조회 : 12,249  

Year End concert

Friday 18th December 2015 at 8 pm in the Korean Cultural Center

Free admission, reservation required:, tel. 02 274 2980



The Korean Cultural Center joins creative forces with the Finnish Cultural Institute to close off the year in style. Korean violinist Woo Hyung KIM will interpret late romantic Finnish composer Jean Sibelius, of whom we celebrate the 150th birthday.



Woo Hyung Kim was born in Seoul in 1991 and started playing violin at the age of three. He moved to Moscow, where he entered the Central Music School of the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in 2000. At the age of 11 he performed with the Moscow State Orchestra and the Chernivtsi Philharmonic Orchestra of Ukraine, after which he won numerous awards. Woo Hyung Kim is currently studying at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel in Belgium.


Woo Hyung Kim’s classic performance will be followed by a more contemporary and alternative interpretation of Sibelius, by the Finnish-British Aftershock Orchestra on violin, ukulele, guitar, piano, and double bass.



Before the beginning of the concert, Finnish ukulelist Jarmo Julkunen will treat early birds with a ukulele demonstration and workshop, for those interested.






7.30 pm: Ukulele demonstration and workshop by Jarmo Julkunen



8.00 pm: Classic Sibelius Interpretation by Woo Hyung KIM



9.00 pm: Alternative Sibelius Interpretation by Aftershock Orchestra: Anu Junnonen (vocals), Chris Garrick (violin), Jarmo Julkunen (ukulele, guitar), David Gordon (piano), Jani Pensola (double bass)



As a security measure, people without confirmed reservation will not be admitted. Thank you for your understanding.


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