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작성일 : 20-04-26 01:23
Everything About The Antimalarial Drug
 글쓴이 : Admin
조회 : 20,440 [7882]
The Oprah Winfrey Show에 5년간 출연하여 유명해 진 후 자신만의 TV Show Dr. OZ를 일주일에 5일간 소화하며 시청률을 높이 올린 덕분에 미국 의사 중에 가장 유명한 하바드 의대와 펜실베니아 대학 출신 Dr. OZ가 하이드록시 클로로퀸과 아지트로 마이신으로 1차 36명, 2차 80명, 3차 1,061명을 치료한 후 논문으로 발표한 프랑스의 감염내과와 미생물 연구 권위자 Dr. Didier Raoult과 인터뷰합니다.

"Lost"란 유명한 미국 TV 드라마에 김윤진의 남편으로 출연했던 한인 배우 데니얼 김이 우한폐렴 바이러스에 걸렸는데 비밀병기(Secrete Weapon)인 하이드록시 클로로퀸과 아지트로마이신으로 완치 되었다고 합니다.

그리고, 중공의 그 많은 우한 폐렴 환자 중에 루퍼스라는 기저 질환을 가진 환자는 단 한 명도 없었다고 합니다.

과잉 면역 질환인 루퍼스를 앓고 있는 환자는 하이드록시 클로로퀸을 장복하고 있기 때문에 우한폐렴 바이러스에 예방이 되는 것으로 보여진다고 보도합니다.

우한폐렴도 루퍼스나 류마티스처럼 과잉면역의 일종인 사이토카인 폭풍 현상이 있기 때문에 하이드록시 클로로퀸이 잘 듣는다고 하네요.

거짓말과 조작질만 해 대는 미국 주류 언론은 하이드록시 클로로퀸의 부작용으로 심정지가 온다고 주장하는데 Dr. Oz는 그런 부작용에 대해 들어 본 적이 없다고 합니다.

Dr. Oz는 심장외과 전문의라서 하이드록시 클로로퀸에 대해 잘 압니다.  Dr. Oz 자신도 말라리아를 예방하기 위해 하이드록시 클로로퀸을 복용했던 적도 있다는 경험을 Larry King과의 인터뷰에서 말했습니다. 

아래 동영상에서 하이드록시 클로로퀸으로 완치된 여러 환자를 직접 인터뷰합니다.

지난 석달간 Dr. Oz는 우한폐렴 바이러스에 대해 많은 사람을 인터뷰했고, 많은 자료를 조사하며 동영상으로 만들어 올렸습니다.

Everything About The Antimalarial Drug

I have already heard advice from the doctor I admire from the doctor who I respect. Chinese Wuhan's doctors have a certain effect by prescribed to prescription of uhanpneumonia patients...
France, who has already seen a lot of uhanpneur (Corona viral) patients, and the doctors and the recommendation of the president trump, and the president trump, etc. Behind the lefda and the global major pharmaceutical media and FDA, etc. There is a bill gates and the back of the back of the back of the back of the back of the back of the back There is a global elite forces to express the fear of death in the world, but in the United States, there is a global elite forces that expresses deep staitra, but the president trump against this and behind the Almighty Jehovah God. I believe that Vice President Mike fence starts with covid-19 measures team meeting in prayer.

I am not simply a conspiracy, and all the words of the bible that God has given to be alive is true, and found out that this world is in the middle of black cancer, and the giant conspiracy of evil forces are getting worse, but in the end, the word that God is the word "know" believe that God is a conservative, This is a Republican supporter. In this order...

Below is a post of Haion Won's post.
The Oprah Winfrey show Dr. after his own tv show after 5 years in the Oprah Winfrey show. Thanks to oz for 5 days a week, Dr. The most famous Harvard Medical and Pennsylvania University of American doctors. Oz Has announced the French infection and microbiotic research authority, which announced as a paper after cure 1nd 36nd 80nd, 2nd, 3ND 1,061nd, 3nd, 3 people. Interviewed with Didier Rault.

The Korean Actor Dennial Kim, who appeared as a husband in the famous American tv drama, who appeared as a husband of " lost " lost " was cured as a virus, and it was cured as a secret weapon.

And, there was no one patient with a gizer disease called rupus, among those many wuhan pneumonia patients.

The patient who suffers from gwaing immune disease is reported that he will be prevent the virus in the virus because he is equipped with hydrox chlorox clorok.

It is said that there is a kind of cytocaine storm phenomenon, like rupus or rheumatisse, so it is said that there is a good listen to hydrox Clorox.

The U.S. mainstream media claims that the U.S. mainstream press claim that the side effects of hydrox clorokloroquinn. Oz Never heard of such side effects.

Dr. Oz is a cardiologist, so I know about hydrox cloroquinn. Dr. Oz Himself also said in interview with Larry King experience that he has taken hydrox cloroquinn to prevent malaria.

In the video below, we interviewed several patients who were cured by hydrox keulloquinn.

Dr. in the past month. Oz Interviewed a lot of people about the virus of the uhanpneumonia virus, and made it as a video by investigate many materials.

Everything About The Antimalarial Drug


