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작성일 : 14-05-23 12:40
(Washington DC)language and Culture Classes: Summer 2014
 글쓴이 : Admin
조회 : 50,753 [7307]
Korean Language and Culture Classes: Summer 2014 image

Korean Language and Culture Classes: Summer 2014

With a focus on practical language skills and cultural context, the King Sejong Institute at the embassy’s Korean Cultural Center offers a range of classes that build skills in speaking, reading, listening, and writing Korean. All classes are of limited size and led by native Korean-speaking instructors with U.S. university teaching experience. Classes primarily teach language skills, while also introducing students to the traditional, modern, and social culture of Korea.


Stay informed of upcoming classes and language programs!

2014 Schedule 

Spring: Feb 3 - May 6

Summer: May 27 – Aug. 27 

Fall: Sept. 8 – Dec. 17

Exact start and end dates for each class may vary. A detailed schedule will be added to this website and sent to our mailing list before each session of classes.

Summer 2014 

Registration is now open for Summer 2014 classes listed below. All registration is first come first served by email request. To receive announcements by email, join our language class mailing list at the link above.


Summer 2014 classes are offered on several schedules: in the first half of the summer (Session 1), the second half (Session 2), and throughout the entire summer (Full Session). Session 1 and 2 classes meet twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays over 6 weeks. Full Session classes meet once a week on Tuesdays over 12 weeks. All classes meet a total of 12 times (unless otherwise noted). See the full schedule below.

Session 1 (every Monday and Wednesday, twice a week)

May 28 – July 9

Classes listed below. 

Full Session (every Tuesday, once a week)

May 27 – August 26

Classes listed below.

Session 2 (every Monday and Wednesday, twice a week)

July 14 – August 27  

Classes and registration to be announced in June. 

Tuition for new students is $220 per 12-meeting course. Returning students receive a discount tuition rate of $200. Purchase of a textbook available from the Korean Cultural Center is also required for each class (details below). All classes are contingent upon a minimum enrollment, and tuition is not refundable after the first class.


All classes include a catered Korean dinner party at the end of the session, Korean snacks and refreshments during each class break, limited parking at the embassy, and additional class and Korean Cultural Center materials. Students with over 75% attendance receive a King Sejong Institute certificate of completion from the director of the Korean Cultural Center.

Class Levels / Sequence

Not all class levels are offered every session, but most are. Classes in bold below are currently being offered.  

Beginner 1 

Beginner 2

Beginner 3

Intermediate 1

Intermediate 2


Schedule of Classes

Beginner 1 (Session 1)

When: Monday and Wednesdays, 6:45-8:45 pm (first class meets May 28)

Instructor: Patricia Yu / Youngah Do (two concurrent sections)
Textbook: NEW Sogang Korean 1A ($30)

DescriptionThis class is designed for those who have no previous experience learning Korean. Students will be introduced to the Korean alphabet Hangul, basic sentence structures, simple vocabulary and conversation. By the end of the semester, students will be able to read and write Hangul, introduce themselves, exchange greetings, count numbers, order food at a restaurant, and carry out basic daily conversation. Cultural aspects will also be included in the course content, so that students may grow in their understanding of Korean culture and share their cultural experiences. Students will be encouraged to speak Korean in class through different communicative activities often carried out in pairs or groups. There will be weekly assignments and quizzes to review what was covered in class. Students in this class will be able to continue to Beginner 2 during the next session.

Beginner 1 (Full Session)

When: Tuesdays, 6:45-8:45 pm (first class meets May 27)

Instructor: Hyeyoung Shin
Textbook: NEW Sogang Korean 1A ($30)
DescriptionThis class is the same as Beginner 1 above, but meets on a different day and schedule. 

Beginner 2 (Full Session)

This class is tentatively full! Click here to join a waitlist. 

WhenTuesdays, 6:45-8:45 pm (first class meets May 27)

Instructor: Kyung Eun Yoon

Textbook: NEW Sogang Korean 1A ($30)

DescriptionBeginner 2 is a continuation from Beginner 1 and is appropriate for beginner learners who have some prior experience learning Korean. Students are expected to be able to read and write the Korean alphabet, Hangul, and understand basic Korean dialogue, such as exchanging greetings, ordering food, and asking for information. This course will focus on developing essential conversational skills needed for daily communication in Korean, such as making an appointment, talking about daily activities and past events, and asking for/giving directions. In addition, students will learn to use the formal/deferential speech style and make the 5 Wh- questions in Korean. Cultural aspects will also be included in the course content, so that students may understand social and historical distinctiveness of Korean culture. Students will be encouraged to speak Korean in class through different communicative activities carried out in pairs or groups. There will be weekly assignments and quizzes to review materials covered in class. Students in this class will be able to continue to Beginner 3 in the next session.

New students registering for Beginner 2 should understand most of the following sample dialogue: 

앤디: 미나 씨, 오늘 일해요?
미나: 아니요.
앤디: 그럼 뭐 해요?
미나: 친구 집에 가요. 
앤디: 몇 시에 친구 집에 가요? 
미나: 여덟 시에 친구 집에 가요. 

Beginner 3

WhenMonday and Wednesdays, 6:45-8:45 pm (first class meets May 28)

Instructor: Young A Jung

Textbook: NEW Sogang Korean 1B ($30)

DescriptionBeginner 3 builds on the basic foundation established in Beginner 1 and 2. This class is appropriate for those who have completed both Beginner 1 and 2 at the King Sejong Institute or those who have taken an elementary Korean course in college. Students who register for this class need to have basic knowledge of sentence structures, the present and past tense verb conjugation, informal and formal speech styles, and numeral systems in Korean. In this class, students will be introduced to diverse settings of daily conversation and specific tasks to be carried out in Korean. By the end of the semester, students will be able to talk about future plans and previous experiences, describe and compare varied things, make suggestions, ask for a favor, give reasons, prepare for a job interview, and use honorifics. Authentic materials in Korean, including drama clips, news, commercials, and music will be used to understand the usage of varied expressions and to broaden cultural understanding. There will be regular assignments and quizzes to review the materials covered in class.

New students registering for Beginner 3 should understand most of the following sample dialogue:

앤디: 미나 씨, 주말에 뭐 했어요?

미나: 공원에 갔어요.

앤디: 공원에 운동하러 갔어요?

미나: 아니요, 친구를 만나러 갔어요.

앤디: 그런데 근처에 공원이 있어요?

미나: 네, 집 앞에 있어요.

Intermediate 1 (Full Session)

This class is tentatively full! Click here to join a waitlist. 

WhenTuesdays, 6:45-8:45 pm (first class meets May 27)

Instructor: Hyunah Kim

Textbook: NEW Sogang Korean 2A ($30)

DescriptionIntermediate 1 is a continuation from Beginner 3 and is appropriate for those who have taken Beginner 1-3 or 1-2 college semesters of Korean. This course aims to further enhance students’ understanding of the intermediate-low level of Korean language skills as a second language; it emphasizes practicing diverse settings of conversation, additional grammatical structures, broadening vocabulary, various styles of conjugation including the future tense, context-sensitive honorific speech styles, and cultural understanding of historical and contemporary written texts. Students will have the opportunity to synthesize their speaking, composition, and comprehension skills in through brief class presentations. Students who register for this level need to have basic level grammar knowledge including basic tenses, informal and formal speech styles, numbers, about thirty action verbs, and basic sentence structures.

New students registering for Intermediate 1 should understand the basics of the following sample dialogue and text (not necessarily all vocabulary): 

한국:  미국 씨, 한국 음식을 드셔 보셨어요?

미국:  네, 먹어 봤어요.

한국:  김치를 좋아하세요?

미국:  아니요, 김치는 좋아하지 않아요. 

한국: 왜요? 

미국:  김치가 맛있지만 너무 매워서 못 먹어요.  

저는 회사원이에요. 집에서 회사까지 버스로 30분쯤 걸려요. 그래서 보통 7시에 일어나요. 8시에 집에서 출발해요. 그런데 오늘은 1시간 늦게 일어났어요. 버스 정류장까지 뛰었어요. 그런데 정류장에 사람이 너무 많았어요. 버스도 안 왔어요. 그래서 택시를 탔어요. 택시가 정말 빨리 갔어요. 9시 전에 도착했어요. 그래서 회사에 들어가기 전에 편의점에서 우유를 하나 샀어요.

Intermediate 2 Supplemental (Full Session, Modified)

WhenTuesdays, 6:45-8:45 pm (June 24-July 29, six meetings only)

Instructor: Young A Jung

Textbook: NEW Sogang Korean 2B ($30) 

Cost: $120 for new students, $100 for returning 
DescriptionThis class builds on the content of the Intermediate 2 class, and continues to complete remaining topics in the Sogang Korean 2B textbook. Details TBA, or contact Dr. Jung at yjung3(at) (This special short-schedule class does not include a final class dinner party.)

Upcoming Session 2 Classes (tentative):

Beginner 1 
Beginner 2 

Registration for Session 2 classes will begin in June when a detailed announcement is made, and classes will start in July.

Registration / More Information 

To register for a class, please email your request, including the specific class name, directly to Adam Wojciechowicz at You will receive a reply confirmation and link to registration/payment forms. For more information, you can also reach Adam by phone at (202) 587-6168. Registration requests will be taken in the order they are received until a class is full, at which point a waitlist option will be added to this website.

The Korean Cultural Center (KORUS House) is located at 2370 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington DC, 20008. Free parking in our private lot is available to registered students, and the center is bus route-accessible or a 15-minute walk from the Dupont Circle metro station. For a map of the Embassy and the KORUS House click here.


Total 183
번호 제   목 글쓴이 날짜 조회
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135 (New York) KPAC’s 20th Annual Performance New York P'an 뉴욕 ‘판’: Spiritual Exuberance Admin 10-03 12029
134 (New York) The 4th Annual Korean Language Writing and Speaking Contest for Non-Koreans Admin 09-27 23710
133 (LA)Korean Jazz Vocalist Youn Sun Nah Concert at the Aratani Theatre Admin 09-19 23276
132 (LA)ARI PROJECT 2014 "Autumn Concert: Korean Music & Dance" Admin 09-02 24881
131 (Brussels )Concert Haydn by 'Joy of Strings' Admin 08-15 13695
130 (LA)The spirit of Korea! concert at Walt Disney Concert Hall Admin 08-13 11909
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128 (LA)Tradition in Motion, Korean Dance & Music Performance Admin 07-25 25828
127 월드옥타, 차세대 네트워크 통해 모국경제 돕는다 Admin 07-18 11172
126 (LA)National Korean Studies Seminar Admin 06-07 12054
125 (newyork) KMF 30th Anniversary Concert Admin 06-06 11699
124 (Washington DC)language and Culture Classes: Summer 2014 Admin 05-23 50754
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