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작성일 : 13-09-15 00:48
Atlanta Korean Film Festival(AKFF)
 글쓴이 : Admin
조회 : 15,669  

AKFF would love to continue its mission to introducing Korean cinema to citizens in Southern USA during the week of SEP 20 through SEP 28, 2013. Join us as we celebrate the diverse art of Korean cinema. We are proudly screening the opening feature film, "The Face Reader"(Jae-Rim Han, 2013), as its USA premiere. 

AKFF 2013 is featuring a retrospective of more than 20 contemporary films in 3 categories: Director Kim Ji-Woon’s Special Exhibition, Korean Cinema 2012-13 Lineup, Special Invitations. Movie and director list include:

Director Kim Ji-Woon’s Special Exhibition: "A Tale of Two Sisters"(2003), "The Good, The Bad, The Weird"(2008), "I Saw the Devil"(2010), "The Last Stand"(2013)

Korean Cinema 2012-2013 Lineup: "Secretly and Greatly"(Chul-soo Jang), "The Thieves"(Dong-Hoon Choi), "Miracle in Cell No. 7"(Hwan-Kyung Lee), "New World"(Hoon-Jung Park), "A Company Man"(Sang-Yoon Lim), "The Grand Heist"(Joo-Ho Kim), "Love 911"(Gi-Hoon Jeong), "Weight"(Kyu-Hwan Jeon), "All About My Wife"(Kyu-Dong Min), "Pieta"(Ki-duk Kim)

Special Invitations: "Eden"(Megan Griffiths, 2012), "Maria the Korean Bride"(Maria Yoon, 2013), "Innocent Blood"(Sun Kim, 2013) 

Lectures of directors and Q&A sessions of celebrities will take place at various colleges include Georgia State University, Georgia Tech, and Emory University. 

On September 20, AKFF is hosting a grandiose Opening Ceremony & Red Carpet in association with the prestigious Consulate General of the Republic of Korea. The evening event will include Reception, Mini-Concert with Dong-Joon Lee, the famouse music director, Screening a feature film and press conference to meet the filmmakers and sponsors.

AKFF Organization Committee

Honorary Chair of Organization Committee


Hee-Beom Kim, Consul General of Republic of Korea in Atlanta

Honorary Organization Committee Member


Baek-Kyu Kim, Seong-Moon Kim, Soo-Yong Shim, Joong-Sik Cho

Chair of Organization Committee


Edward Oh, Chairman of World OKTA Atlanta Chapter

Organization Committee Member


Samuel Lee, Soon-Hee Baik, Steve Hahn, Jong-Oh Park

Chair of Executive Committee


Kun-Kwon Park, President of Atlanta Radio Korea

Executive Committee Member


B.J. Pak, Han Choi, Yonni Kim, Wan-Mo Song

Festival Director


SK Hong, President of News&Post

Steering Committee


Melisa Randle, Scott Moore, Cindy Park



Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Atlanta



AKFF Organizing Committee, Atlanta Radio Korea



Ministry of Culture Sports and Tourism, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
The National Unification Advisory Council Atlanta Chpater, World OKTA Atlanta
Chapter, Emory University Film Department, Georgia State University,
Georgia Institute of Technology



Korean Air, KIA Motors, Comcast, Sewon America, Pac Tell Group,
Georgia Dental Implant Center, Doosan Infracore, SKC, LS Cable & System,
UPS, Home Depot, First Intercontinental Bank, Noabank, H-Mart,
Mega Mart, Assi Plaza, AJIN USA


Total 183
번호 제   목 글쓴이 날짜 조회
93 Atlanta Korean Film Festival(AKFF) Admin 09-15 15670
92 “애틀랜타의 끼있는 미래 스타들 찾습니다” Admin 08-01 11958
91 한국 친구-음식 동영상 만들고 ‘한국 자동차’ 타자 Admin 07-08 12503
90 한국 운전 면허 상호 인정 (7/1~) Admin 07-03 12339
89 (Atlanta)추신수 응원가자 – ‘한인의 날’ 행사 7-13 토 Admin 06-27 12398
88 (atlanta)World-OKTA 제 5 기 차세대 무역스쿨 알림 Admin 06-22 12561
87 (Atlanta)오유제 회장 부부, 오바마 대통령 만나다 Admin 06-06 12576
86 한식세계화협의회 ‘한국의 맛’ 출간 Admin 06-04 11827
85 (Atlanta)KCA 오케스트라 19일 정기연주회 개최 Admin 05-17 12041
84 (Atlanta)11~12일, 둘루스 시청앞 ‘맨발의 공원’ 축제 개최 Admin 05-10 12633
83 (Atlanta)월드비전 애틀랜타위원회, ‘6월23일 희망 주일’ 이벤트 실시 Admin 05-07 12464
82 한인 초등학생, 구글용 낙서 대회서 조지아 1등 Admin 05-03 13874
81 (Atlanta)미국 ‘황금시대’의 추억이 깃든 정통 재즈를 즐길 수 있는 콘서트가 어제 열렸다. Admin 04-29 13654
80 (Pasadena, CA)Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto-Pasadena Symphony Admin 04-10 12619
79 (Atlanta)위더스푼과 함께 영화찍으실 분? Admin 04-06 13544
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