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Meat Meals (Goki)

BULGOKI 불고기 (Beef P250/Pork P200)
Specially marinated barbequed sirloin beef seasoned with soy sauce, shiitake mushroom, sesame oil and some more spices. A pure joy to the palate. Comes with side dishes and rice. Good for 1 person.


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   Meat Meals (Goki)
BULGOKI 불고기 (Beef P250/Pork P200) Specially marinated barbequed sirloin beef seasoned with soy sauce, shiitake mushroom, sesame oil and some more spices. A pure joy to the palate. Comes with side dishes and rice. Good for 1 person.
   (jeonju, Kortea) Korea Food Festival
(jeonju, Kortea) Korea Food Festival Korea Food Festival The Korea Food Festival, held in the city of taste and style, Jeonju, once again showcases the best of Korean foods, which have captivated the taste buds of prominent gourmets. Open your taste buds to one of the world’s finest cuisines, and recover your appetite at the Korea Food Festival, as well as the International Fermented Food Expo and the Jeonju Bibimba…
   * 쇠고기 샤브샤브
: 찬바람 불고 추운 겨울에는 따끈한 국물요리가 최고죠. 그 중에서도 샤브샤브는 쉽게 만들 수 있으면서도 온 가족 모두가 즐길 수 있는 겨울 효자 요리랍니다. 우동 사리까지 준비하시면 하나의 훌륭한 코스 요리 못지 않죠. 다양한 소스로 무장한 다채로운 샤브샤브 만찬을 즐겨보세요! * 쇠고기 샤브샤브 고기를 주재료로 한 담…
처음  1  2

