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작성일 : 13-10-15 10:50
(Atlanta)Pan-Asian Sa-mul-no-ri Performance at Georgia State
 글쓴이 : Admin
조회 : 12,092  

Pan-Asian Sa-mul-no-ri Performance at Georgia State

Office of International Initiatives and Asian Studies Center, Georgia State University

Thursday, October 31, 2013 from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM (EDT)

Atlanta, GA

Sa-mul-no-ri is a Korean folk music tradition that includes drumming, dancing, and singing. Join us for this very special performance that includes gum-mu (Korean sword dance) and instrumental performances featuring drums and gongs. Performed by the Southeast Korean Dance Association and the Pung-mul-no-ri Team of CPACS (Center for Pan-American Community Services, Inc.) at Speakers Auditorium, Georgia State University.

This event is part of Korea Week, as part of Georgia State University's International Education Month celebration.

Have questions about Pan-Asian Sa-mul-no-ri Performance at Georgia State?Contact Office of International Initiatives and Asian Studies Center, Georgia State University


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