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작성일 : 13-11-15 22:18
(Washington DC)“Korean Cultural Center Expands Befriend Korea Program”
 글쓴이 : Admin
조회 : 25,134  

*Photos: Students from The Montessori School of Northern Virginia try traditional drums

“Korean Cultural Center Expands Befriend Korea Program”

The Korean Cultural Center Washington D.C. has recently revamped its outreach program to meet the growing demand of interest towards Korea and Korea’s popular culture. Also known as the “Befriend Korea” Program, students studying culture or any group or organization that would like to know more about Korea can request a visit from the staff of Befriend Korea or make reservations to visit the Cultural Center for a program that highlights Korea’s past, present and future.


Befriend Korea uses visuals and hands-on tools to inform people about Korea; for elementary and middle school students, traditional games and simulations will expose them to Korean culture, while young adults and adults are reached through a presentation that focuses more on explaining Korean culture through a personal narrative.

In the coming week, George Washington University’s Sustainable Development Lab, Westlake High School’s AP Human Geography class, Saint Timothy’s School’s International Baccalaureate class and Tallwood High School’s 9th graders have booked visits to the Cultural Center.


Students from The Montessori School of Northern Virginia, who recently visited the Cultural Center, explained how not so long ago they were unfamiliar with Korea, but while preparing for MUN class they became interested in Korea’s strides toward sustainable development. They also mentioned how they not only got to know more about Korean culture, but that they enjoyed dancing to Gangnam Style. “It’s something we can’t do in our classrooms!” exclaimed one student.


All schools or organizations interested in Befriend Korea can make reservations by filling out an application form on the Korean Cultural Center’s website. Visits must be arranged at least three weeks prior to the actual visit. Questions can be directed to

The Korean Cultural Center Washington DC at the Embassy of the Republic of Korea is dedicated to strengthening Korea-US ties through a variety of programs, including exhibitions, presentations, educational outreach, institutional partnerships, and support for local event in the Capital area. The KCC is located at 2370 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington DC 20008 and is open to the public Mon – Fri, 9:00 am to noon and 1:30 – 5:30 pm. To learn more, visit the KCC’s website at



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