In 1974, the Los Angeles Korean Festival Foundation was founded byIn 1974, the Los Angeles Korean Festival Foundation was founded by the leaders of the early Korean-American community with the purpose of preserving their Korean roots after immigrating to the United States. In the great city of Los Angeles, where many diverse cultures co-exist, the Los Angeles Korean Festival Foundation is considered one of the major advocates of furthering the knowledge of Korean culture and its traditions. The LAKF Foundation works year-round in organizing the four-day festival to carry out the mission of providing the community with a festival that is an instrument of inclusivity and an advocate of cultural diversity awareness, providing not only the Korean cultural heritage but also bringing together the numerous ethnic groups residing in Los Angeles.
1974년올림픽가의퍼레이드를시작으로출범한로스엔젤레스한인축제는반세기가까이해외한인사회최대종합문화예술잔치로성장했습니다. LA 소방국공식집계로 4일간 30만명이상의관람객이찾는남가주최대규모의다문화축제이기도하며 120개한국도, 시, 군의지원을받아참여하는한국농수산엑스포가한국전통농수산상품의맛을전합니다. 또한 95개의일반상품판매부스, 홍보부스, 전시공간이마련돼다양한살거리와볼거리를제공하고있습니다. 축제기간동안한국문화를비롯된이웃다인종문화를접할수있는화려하고다채로운무대공연이펼쳐집니다. 이외에도음식부스, 스낵부스가먹거리의진수를보여줍니다the leaders of the early Korean-American community with the purpose of preserving their Korean roots after immigrating to the United States. In the great city of Los Angeles, where many diverse cultures co-exist, the Los Angeles Korean Festival Foundation is considered one of the major advocates of furthering the knowledge of Korean culture and its traditions. The LAKF Foundation works year-round in organizing the four-day festival to carry out the mission of providing the community with a festival that is an instrument of inclusivity and an advocate of cultural diversity awareness, providing not only the Korean cultural heritage but also bringing together the numerous ethnic groups residing in Los Angeles.
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