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작성일 : 16-07-22 20:23
Casting Asian Americans for TV show of MacGyver
 글쓴이 : Admin
조회 : 30,204  

I am a casting director for Central Casting. I am currently working on a TV show called "MacGyver" 

which airs on CBS this Fall. 


This next episode takes place in Korea and I am looking to cast a large variety of Asian-Americans 

in the Greater Atlanta area.


We cast background in TV Shows, Movies, etc. All jobs are PAID and do not require any fees or 

experience to register or work with us!


I was hoping you could share our post to your group, or direct me to other good organizations and 

associations to reach the Asian community here in Georgia. 

Please call me with any questions 404-920-8011 or 678-686-2373.


Interested folks who would like to be on the show should email us a current photo

with height and a personal phone number and email that we can get in touch with them.  

Work will be between July 27th and August 5th.  

They can email me at with Asian Americans in the subject line.



***We highly encourage folks to come to our office and register before they work on set.  Bring a form of ID and dress to impress.  Free, no charge to register.  I have attached a flyer for your convenience. *******



Total 183
번호 제   목 글쓴이 날짜 조회
168 캘리포니아와 LA시에 대대적인 인신매매범 및 성범죄관련 범인들 518명을 체포했다. Admin 02-13 4927
167 (LA)⌈미주한인 이민 제118주년 및 미주한인의 날 제16주년 기념행사 인사말⌋ Admin 01-07 4959
166 (US)우리집 주위에 확진자 알려주는 사이트 Admin 03-18 6716
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164 Casting Asian Americans for TV show of MacGyver Admin 07-22 30205
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155 (Atlanta)소년 소녀들에게 창조적 미래의 꿈 심어주기 운동... 가을 열린 음악회 열릴예정 Admin 09-11 14051
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