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작성일 : 16-10-17 15:55
Concert-post reflection by Joelle choi
 글쓴이 : Admin
조회 : 14,524  

As soon as I stepped onto the stage, I felt as if I'm in a different world. I could only hear the soft
piano notes dancing swiftly through my head. Suddenly, I felt this excitement burst into me
when I sang the lovely song, Memory. The orchestra was full of power and dignity as I sang, and
it blew me away when the levels of intensity started to increase. It was a spectacular night full of
glory when the music started to play. I fell in love and I constantly kept on dreaming about the
moment when I sang. Their unique sounds, harmonies, and their strong passion all combined
created a wonderful festive environment throughout the whole concert. I sincerely thank
everyone who made this great opportunity for me to sing with Min Pak and Atlanta Philharmonic
Orchestr Inc . This is a real memory of mine that I would never forget it my life!

From Joelle choi

Joelle Choi (14살)

Peachtree Ridge High School 9학년 재학중.

2014년, 2015년 GMEA (Georgia Music Educators Association)에서 주최하는 Honors Chorus 및 ALL-STATE CHORUS 에 뽑혀 참가.


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